The following are a few of the organizations, causes, and programs FIE supports through donations, fundraisers, and events. If you would like to donate to any of our FIE Supports organizations, please click on the donation links below:



Since 2008 FIE has, through a range of student and staff initiatives, raised donations for the Marol Academy, a California-based non-profit organization dedicated to supporting sustainable education in South Sudan, the world’s newest country. Fundraising efforts have included bake sales, second-hand book drives, and charity runs. FIE maintains a close relationship with Marol and its founder, Jok Madut Jok . Dr. Jok was born and raised in Sudan and is currently a professor at Loyola Marymount University, one of FIE's partner universities. Dr. Jok has previously been a keynote speaker at FIE's Student Global Leadership Conference


The sales of our second-hand book drive have also supported Love Orphanage, a charity dedicated to providing a stable and safe space for children to develop their physical, emotional and mental well-being in Haiti. FIE learned of the organization through staff at our partner Drexel University. Together with donations to Marol Academy, the second-hand book drive has raised over $5,000 since Fall 2013



FIE is proud to support members of the Armed Forces and their families through our commitment to the Armed Forces Covenant, a pledge that states that we as an organization recognize the value serving personnel and their families contribute to our business and our country. 

We endeavor to do this by:

  • Promoting that we are a forces-friendly organization, enabling dialogue and open conversation
  • Seeking to support the employment of veterans young and old and working with the Career Transition Partnership (CTP) where possible

  • Striving to support the employment of Sevice spouse and partners

  • Offering a degree of flexibility in granting leave for Service spouses around deployment

  • Seeking to support our employees who choose to be members of the reserve forces by accommodating their training and deployment where possible

  • Fundraising and supporting the community through SSAFA - The Armed Forces Charity














From the Meat Free Monday website: "Launched by Paul, Mary and Stella McCartney in 2009, Meat Free Monday is a not-for-profit campaign which aims to raise awareness of the detrimental environmental impact of eating meat, and to encourage people to help slow climate change, preserve precious natural resources and improve their health by having at least one meat-free day each week."

At FIE, we’ve created MFM magnets as a reminder for staff and students when opening the fridge, hosted staff meat-free ‘pot luck’ lunches, created meat-free recipe cards for the residence halls, and even engaged students in meat-free cooking sessions.  Among our core values are sustainability and social justice, and getting on board with MFM is an excellent way to demonstrate our commitment to these values.


Orchestra Vitae is a 63-piece orchestra of young professionals, aiming to break the boundaries of formality between the orchestra and audience and connect with people from all walks of life through music. OV regularly engages with local communities through outreach, concert talks, and collaborations with other musical genres. Former FIE RLS Michael Cobb went on to co-found OV and has served as the orchestra's Conductor. Dr Fiona Gibbs is also a co-founder of OV and is an FIE faculty member. 

Orchestra Vitae has regularly presented at  FIE's Student Global Leadership Conference, has hosted our students at a private concert at St. Stephen's church during arrivals and its members have played at various FIE events over the years. Students away from their home campus are welcome to rehearse with OV during their program with FIE



Occasionally, our students find that they've purchased or brought a few more clothes than they can take home with them at the end of the semester. During the Donation Drive, students in FIE residence halls can donate extra clothing in designated bags left in their rooms. The clothes are given to iCollectClothes and TRAID (pronounced "trade") to be reused. With iCollectClothes, you can choose a charity to receive your donation, and the charity will receive £200 for every ton of clothes donated. TRAID describes itself as "a charity working to stop clothes from being thrown away. We turn clothes waste into funds and resources to reduce the environmental and social impacts of our clothes. It is a circular and sustainable approach to the problems of clothes waste tackling disposal, production, and consumption."


FIE is proud to financially support the Palestine Association for Children’s Encouragement of Sports (PACES).. The central aim of this charity is to provide healthy, structured after-school sports programs for Palestinian girls and boys; for boys who would otherwise be on the streets and exposed to extremism and violence, and for girls as a means of getting them out of their homes and into programs that empower them.  These programs offer an escape from being idle on the streets or in homes, an escape that is fun, healthy, and encourages excellence, team-work and the importance of work ethic through commitment to sports and to practice. PACES’ work is concentrated in and around the most marginalized communities, refugee camps and remote villages across Palestine, reaching the most vulnerable and needy children between the ages of eight and sixteen. PACES partners with local and international NGOs to provide the children with workshops and exposure beyond sports that give them additional development opportunities.


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